

单词 Limitation of actions
释义 訴訟時效
The time limit on a person’s right to issue legal proceedings. This principle is reflected in the equitable doctrine of laches and the Limitation Ordinance (Cap 347). A limit is set to avoid a miscarriage of justice due to stale evidence. The court may extend the period: Limitation Ordinance (Cap 347) ss 22, 22A. Ignorance of the law or inability to afford legal costs is not reason for extending the limit of time: Leung Tong Fuk v Chan Yuk Kwan: [1997] HKLY 547. See also Commencement date; Laches; Limitation period.
某人展開法律程序的時限。此原則反映在衡平法的疏忽延誤及《時效條例》(第347章)上。設定時限乃為防止因證據失去時效而導致司法不公。法庭可將時限予以延長:《時效條例》(第347章)第22、22A條。對法律無知或不能負擔訟費不能成為延長時限的理由:Leung Tong Fuk v Chan Yuk Kwan: [1997] HKLY 547。另見Commencement date; Laches; Limitation period。




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