

单词 Functional constituencies
释义 功能界別
Electoral divisions established under the Legislative Council Ordinance (Cap 542) based on different functions and for the purpose of returning Members at elections for those electoral divisions. There are 28 functional constituencies, amongst others, the Heung Yee Kuk functional constituency, the education functional constituency, the legal functional constituency, the accountancy functional constituency, the medical functional constituency. The number of Members to be returned for a functional constituency is (a) one Member for each constituency other than the labour functional constituency; and (b) three Members for the labour functional constituency: s 21. A person who would be eligible to be registered in two or more functional constituencies may be registered in only one of those constituencies of that person’s choice: s 25(1), (2). A person is eligible to be nominated as a candidate at an election for a functional constituency only if (a) the person has reached 21 years of age; and (b) either (i) is both registered and eligible to be registered as an elector for the constituency, or (ii) satisfies the Returning Officer for the constituency that the person has a substantial connection with the constituency, and (c) is both registered and eligible to be registered as an elector for a geographical constituency; and (d) is not disqualified from being elected, and (e) has ordinarily resided in Hong Kong for the three years immediately preceding the nomination; and (f) is a Chinese citizen who is a permanent resident of Hong Kong with no right of abode in any country other than the People’s Republic of China, except in the case of the 12 functional constituencies specified in s 37(3): s 37(2). See also Constituency; Constituent; Election.
根據《立法會條例》(第542章)設立的選舉劃分,為在選舉中選出功能界別的議員而設立不同的功能界別。共有28個功能界別,例如鄉議局功能界別、教育界功能界別、法律界功能界別、會計界功能界別、醫學界功能界別。須為(a) 每個功能界別 (勞工界功能界別除外)選出的議員的人數為1名;及 (b) 勞工界功能界別選出的議員的人數為3名:第21條。任何有資格在多於一個功能界別登記的人只可在該等功能界別中該人所自行選擇的一個功能界別登記:第25(1)及(2)條。符合以下條件的人方有資格在某功能界別的選舉中獲提名為候選人- (a) 年滿21歲;及 (b) (i) 已登記為並有資格登記為該功能界別的選民;或 (ii) 令該功能界別的選舉主任信納他與該功能界別有密切聯繫;及(c) 已登記為地方選區的選民並有資格如此登記;及 (d) 並未有喪失獲選為議員的資格;及 (e) 在緊接提名前的3年內通常在香港居住;f) 是香港永久性居民中的中國公民,並且沒有在中華人民共和國以外的國家的居留權,但第 (3) 款指明的12個功能界別除外:第37 (2) 條。另見 Constituency; Constituent; Election。




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