

单词 Protected power of attorney
释义 受保障授權書
A deed creating a power of attorney which contains the words indicating the intention on the part of the donor that the authority conferred is exercisable notwithstanding the donor’s subsequent mental incapacity, death or bankruptcy or, if the donor is a corporation, winding up or dissolution: Powers of Attorney Ordinance (Cap 31) s 4(1). A protected power of attorney is given to secure (1) a proprietary interest of the donee of the power; or (2) the performance of an obligation owed to the donee, so long as the donee has that interest or the obligation remains undischarged: s 4(1). Also known as ‘irrevocable power of attorney’. See also Capacity; Deed; Power of attorney.
訂立授權書的契據, 在其中包含顯示授權人意圖的字句, 即所授予的權力可予行使, 儘管授權人其後的精神上無行為能力, 死亡或破產或,如授權人為法團,則不得因法團清盤或解散而撤銷: 《授權書條例》(第31章)第 4(1)條 。一份受保障的授權書作為以下事項的保證 (1) 該授權書的獲授權人的所有人權益;或 (2) 履行須向獲授權人履行的義務,只要獲授權人仍享有該權益或該義務仍未予解除: 第 4(1) 條。也稱為「不可撤銷的授權書」。 另見 Capacity; Deed; Power of attorney。




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