

单词 Legacy
释义 遺贈
A gift of personal property by will. The testator is said to bequeath a legacy to a recipient called a legatee. A legacy may be specific, general, demonstrative, residuary or pecuniary: Probate and Administration Ordinance (Cap 10) s 68. See also Bequest; General legacy; Pecuniary legacy; Residue; Specific legacy.
由遺囑所授予私人財產的饋贈。立遺囑人向受贈人(即稱受遺贈人)作出遺贈。任何遺贈可以是特定的、一般、指示、剩餘或金錢上的遺贈:《遺囑認證及遺產管理條例》(第10章)第68條。另見 Bequest; General legacy; Pecuniary legacy; Residue; Specific legacy。n.




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