

单词 Imitation firearm
释义 仿製火器
An item which has the appearance of being a firearm, but which is not within the definition of ‘firearm’ in the Firearms and Ammunition Ordinance (Cap 238) s 2; or the appearance of being an air rifle, air gun or air pistol but which is not within the definition of an arm, ie an air rifle, air gun or air pistol from which any shot, bullet or missile can be discharged with a muzzle energy greater than two joules: Firearms and Ammunition Ordinance (Cap 238) s 2. See also Firearm; Pistol.
外形像火器,但並非《火器及彈藥條例》(第238章)第2條內「火器」的定義所指的;或外形像長槍型氣槍、氣槍或手槍型氣槍,但並非「槍械」的定義所指的,即可發射任何射彈、子彈或投射物,而槍口能量超過2焦耳的長槍型氣槍、氣槍或手槍型氣槍;或外形像榴彈,但並非「彈藥」的定義所指的:《火器及彈藥條例》(第238章)第2條。另見 Firearm; Pistol。




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