

单词 Prohibited apparatus
释义 禁止設施
In radio-communications law, an apparatus declared by the Telecommunications Authority to be prohibited and: Telecommunications Ordinance (Cap 106) s 8(1)(b). No person may in Hong Kong or on board any ship, aircraft or space object that is registered in Hong Kong (1) possess or use any apparatus for radiocommunications or any apparatus of any kind that generates and emits radio waves notwithstanding that the apparatus is not intended for radiocommunications; or (2) deal in the course of trade or business in apparatus or material for radiocommunications or in any component part of any such apparatus or in apparatus of any kind that generates and emits radio waves whether or not the apparatus is intended, or capable of being used, for radiocommunications; or (3) demonstrate, with a view to sale in the course of trade or business, any apparatus or material for radiocommunications: s 8(1). Contravention of this provision is a strict liability offence and it is sufficient for the prosecution to prove knowledge of the possession, use, dealing or demonstration of the radiocommunications apparatus or material in question: R v Blake [1997] 1 All ER 963 (CA); Uniglobe Telecom (Far East) Ltd v HKSAR [1999] 2 HKC 147 (CFA). See also Radiocommunication.
就無線電通訊法而言,電訊局宣布受禁止的器具:《電訊條例》(第106章)第8(1)(b)條。任何人不得在香港或在於香港註冊或領牌的任何船舶、航空器或空間物體上(1)管有或使用任何作無線電通訊之用的器具或產生並發射無線電波的任何種類器具,即使這些器具並非預定作無線電通訊之用;或(2)在營商過程或業務運作中,經營作無線電通訊之用的器具或材料,或該等器具的元件,或經營產生並發射無線電波的任何種類器具,不論該等器具是否預定作或是否能夠作無線電通訊之用的;或(3)為在營商過程或業務運作中予以售賣而示範任何作無線電通訊之用的器具或材料:第8(1)條。違反該條文屬觸犯嚴格法律責任罪行,控方並只需證明對有關的無線電通訊器具的管有、使用、經營或示範是知道的便已足夠:R v Blake [1997] 1 All ER 963 (英國上訴法院); Uniglobe Telecom (Far East) Ltd v HKSAR [1999] 2 HKC 147 (終審法院)。另見 Radiocommunication。




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