

单词 Prostitution
释义 賣淫
The provision by one person to another person of his or her body indiscriminately or promiscuously for lewdness for payment in return: R v Li Kin Wai [1985] 1 HKC 249. It is not confined to gratification of normal sexual appetites and the concept is not limited to sexual intercourse in the normal sense of the phrase: R v Webb [1963] 3 All ER 177, [1964] 1 QB 357 (CCA). It is not necessary to establish that the activity is carried on by common prostitutes: R v Ho Chi Fai [1985] 1 HKC 242. Activities associated with prostitution may be unlawful, such as procurement (Crimes Ordinance (Cap 200) ss 131(1), 132(1)), permitting premises to be used for prostitution (s 145(1)), living on the earnings of prostitution (s 137(1)), and keeping a vice establishment (s 139(1)). See also Brothel.
由一人為報酬作回報,不加區別地或無選擇地,向另一人淫蕩的提供自己的身體:R v Li Kin Wai [1985] 1 HKC 249。它並不局限在滿足普通的性慾望的行為上,該概念亦不限制於發生性關係此句子的一般含義上:R v Webb [1963] 3 All ER 177, [1964] 1 QB 357 (英國上訴法院)。無需證明該活動由妓女作出:R v Ho Chi Fai [1985] 1 HKC 242。與賣淫有關的活動可能屬非法,如促致(《刑事罪行條例》(第200章)第131(1)、 132(1)條),允許處所作賣淫活動之用 ﹝第 145(1)﹞,依靠賣淫的收入為生 (第 137(1)條),及經營賣淫場所﹝第 139(1)條﹞。另見 Brothel。 n.




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