

单词 Advancement of education
释义 提升教育
In the law of charitable trusts, a valid charitable purpose. The trust itself could make profits as long as such profits are not applied otherwise than for educational purposes: The Abbey Malvern Wells Ltd v Ministry of Local Government and Planning [1951] Ch 728. It must be for public benefit, but if a trust is clearly educational there is no need to adduce evidence of public benefit: Re Shaw’s Will Trusts [1952] Ch 163. ‘Education’ has been interpreted widely to mean a balance and systemic process of instruction, training, and practice, containing spiritual, moral, mental, and physical elements: Inland Revenue Cmrs v McMullen & Ors [1980] 1 All ER 884, [1981] AC 1 (HL). See also Charitable purpose; Charitable trusts; Education.
就慈善信託法而言,有效的慈善目的。該信託本身可賺取利潤,只要該利潤不運用作為教育以外的目的:The Abbey Malvern Wells Ltd v Ministry of Local Government and Planning [1951] Ch 728。設立信託的目的必須為公眾利益,但若信託明顯是具教育性質,則不需援引有關公眾利益的證據:Re Shaw’s Will Trusts [1952] Ch 163。「教育」的釋義很廣泛,指平衡且有系統的授課、訓練及實習過程,包含精神、道德、心智及體能的因素:Inland Revenue Cmrs v McMullen & Ors [1980] 1 All ER 884, [1981] AC 1(上議院)。另見 Charitable purpose; Charitable trusts; Education。




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