

单词 Inchmaree clause
释义 航運疏忽條款/芵寄馬伊號條款
A clause in a marine insurance contract providing cover against risks causing loss of or damage to hull or machinery of a ship which are caused by perils akin to, or resembling, or of the same kind as perils of the sea. These risks include: negligence of the master, crew, engineers or other servants of the shipowners; damage done during loading, discharging, or shifting cargo; bunker explosion; bursting of boilers; breakage of shafts; latent defects in the machinery or hull. The loss or damage must not be caused by any lack of due diligence by the master, crew, engineers or others in the service of the owner. This clause is derived from events involving a steamer known as ‘Inchmaree’: The Thames and Mersey Marine Insurance Co Ltd v Hamilton, Fraser & Co (1887) 12 AC 484. Such clauses do not enlarge the scope of risks contained in the policy, but add to the risks already covered: Stott (Baltic) Steamers Ltd v Marten & Ors [1916] 1 AC 304 (HL). See also Aviation insurance; Compulsory third party insurance; Freight policy; Hull insurance; Joint insurance.
海上保險合約的一項條款,承保船隻免受由近似、類似或相等於海難的嚴重危險對船體或機件造成損失或損害的風險。此等風險包括:船長、船員、工程師或船主的其他僱員的疏忽;在裝貨、卸貨或調動貨櫃時造成的損毀;鍋爐爆炸;燃料艙破裂;船軸破損;機件或船體有潛在毛病。有關損失或損害不得由船長、船員、工程師或其他服務於船主的人在沒有付出應盡的努力的情況下造成。此項條款源自牽涉一艘名為「英奇馬伊號」的輪船的事件:The Thames and Mersey Marine Insurance Co Ltd v Hamilton, Fraser & Co(1887) 12 AC 484。此項條款增加保險單上已覆蓋的風險範圍,而非擴大保險單上所載的風險範圍:Stott(Baltic) Steamers Ltd v Marten & Ors [1916] 1 AC 304(上議院)。另見 Aviation insurance; Compulsory third party insurance; Freight policy; Hull insurance; Joint insurance。




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