

单词 High treason
释义 重大叛逆罪
Until 1828, the name for the modern offence of treason. It was formerly distinguishable from petit or petty treason, comprising the slaying of a feudal superior, including a wife killing her husband, and a layman killing his prelate, but not including regicide, or other relevant killings, maiming, or violations of royal persons. The distinction was lost with the abolition of petty treason, those offences then being deemed murder (Offences Against the Person Ordinance (Cap 212) s 6 (repealed)), and high treason becoming simply treason (Crimes Ordinance (Cap 200) s 2(2): R v Horne Tooke [1794] 25 St Tr 1. See also Treason.
現代叛逆罪直至1828年的名稱。先前用以與輕微叛逆罪作出區分,重大叛逆罪包括殺害封建制度下的長官、妻子殺害其丈夫以及教徒殺害其高級教士,但並不包括弒君或其他有關的殺害、殘害或侵害皇室人員的行為。鑒於輕微叛逆罪已被免除,此等區分等經已消失,該等罪行現時被視為謀殺罪 《(侵害人身罪條例)(第212章)第6條(廢除))),重大叛逆罪則變成叛逆罪(《刑事罪行條例》(第200章)第2(2)條:R v Horne Tooke [1794] 25 St Tr 1。另見 Treason。




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