

单词 Vesting of property
释义 財產的歸屬
The transfer of property ownership rights from one person to another. When a company is being wound up by the court, the court may, on the application of the liquidator, by order direct that all or any part of the property of whatsoever description belonging to the company or held by trustees on its behalf is to vest in the liquidator by his official name; and thereupon the property to which the order relates vests accordingly; and the liquidator may, after giving such indemnity (if any) as the court may direct, bring or defend in his official name any action or other legal proceeding which relates to that property or which it is necessary to bring or defend for the purpose of effectually winding up the company and recovering its property: Companies Ordinance (Cap 32) s 198. If a relevant law requires the transmission of property to be registered, the property does not legally vest until the requirements of that law are satisfied. See also After acquired property; Bankrupt; Debtor; Divisible property; Liquidator.
將財產擁有權從某一人轉移至另一人。凡公司正由法院清盤,法院可應清盤人的申請,藉命令指示所有屬於公司或由受託人代表公司持有的財產或其中任何部分(不論屬何種類),須按清盤人的正式名稱歸屬清盤人,而命令有關的財產須隨即據此而歸屬;清盤人在作出法院所指示的彌償(如有的話)後,可以其正式名稱提出任何與上述財產有關的訴訟或其他法律程序或在該等訴訟或其他法律程序中答辯,或以其正式名稱提出任何為有效將公司清盤及追討公司財產而需提出的訴訟或其他法律程序,或在任何為上述目的而需答辯的訴訟或其他法律程序中答辯:《公司條例》(第32章)第198條。如有關的法律規定須就有關的財產轉移註冊,則在法律上而言,須在符合該等法律的規定後,才算已歸屬有關的財產。另見 After acquired property; Bankrupt; Debtor; Divisible property; Liquidator。




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