

单词 Multiple counts
释义 多項罪名
Two or more charges contained in the one information, indictment, or presentment. Charges for more than one offence may be joined in the same indictment: Criminal Procedure Ordinance (Cap 221) s 18(1). Charges may be joined in the same indictment if they are founded on the same facts, or form or are part of a series of offences of the same or a similar character: Indictment Rules (Cap 221C) r 7. Two or more counts joined in one indictment should be treated, particularly for the purposes of evidence and judgment, as a separate indictment for each count: DPP v Merriman [1973] AC 584 (HL); R v Ng Kam Wah [1993] 1 HKCLR 163 (CA); Indictment Rules (Cap 221C) r 2(2). See also Charge; Indictment.
包含在告發、公訴書、控訴狀上的兩項或兩項以上的控罪。就多於一項罪行提出的控罪,可合併於同一公訴書內:《刑事訴訟程序條例》(第221章)第18(1)條。就任何罪行提出的控罪,如基於相同的事實,或組成一連串性質相同或相類的罪行或是其部分,則該等控罪可合併於同一公訴書內:《公訴書規則》(第221C章)第7條規則。合併在公訴書上的兩項或兩項以上的罪名,每一項罪名應被視作一項分開的公訴,尤其在證據及判決方面:DPP v Merriman [1973] AC 584 (上議院);R v Ng Kam Wah [1993] 1 HKCLR 163(上訴法院);《刑事訴訟程序條例》(第221章)第2(2)條。另見 Charge; Indictment。




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