

单词 Motor vehicle
释义 汽車
Any mechanically propelled vehicle: Road Traffic Ordinance (Cap 374) s 2. A vehicle intended or adapted for use on roads, and propelled by any form of mechanical power, and includes a motor bicycle with or without a side-car or trailer, a motor tricycle and a bicycle or tricycle assisted by a motor, and a village vehicle but not a vehicle drawn by any other motor vehicle, nor any conveyance for use solely on railways or tramways: Motor Vehicles Insurance (Third Party Risks) Ordinance (Cap 272) s 2. Whether a vehicle is a motor vehicle depends very much on the facts of a particular case; the fact that a vehicle is not of a particular type is not conclusive evidence to show whether or not it is a motor vehicle: Daley v Hargreaves [1961] 1 All ER 552; A-G v Ho Kam Mun [1996] 2 HKC 609 (HC). See also Motor accident; Motor cycle.
指任何由機械驅動的車輛:《道路交通條例》(第374章)第2條。指擬供在道路上使用或經改裝以供在道路上使用,並以任何形式的機械動力驅動的車輛,包括不論是否附有側車或拖車的電單車、機動三輪車、輔以馬達的單車或三輪車,以及鄉村車輛,但不包括由其他汽車牽拉的車輛或任何專供在鐵路或電車或纜車軌道上使用的運輸工具:《汽車保險(第三者風險)條例》(第272章)第2條。車輛是否汽車主要取決於特定案件的事實;車輛不是特定種類的車輛之事實並非證明它是否一輛汽車的不可推翻證據:Daley v Hargreaves [1961] 1 All ER 552; A-G v Ho Kam Mun [1996] 2 HKC 609 (高等法院)。另見 Motor accident; Motor cycle。




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