

单词 Enrichment
释义 收益

In restitution, a benefit which has economic value to the recipient or in the market place, including property, a chose in action, a service, a payment of expense, a decrease in liability, or forbearance. Ordinarily, monetary restitution will correspond to the enrichment, being remuneration calculated at a reasonable rate for work actually done or the fair market value of the materials supplied. See also Incontrovertible benefit; Restitution; Unjust enrichment.
就復原而言,指對收受人或在市場上具有經濟價值的利益,包括物業、據法權產、服務、付款開支、法律責任的減少、或延期償付。金錢上的復原一般會相當於收益,即以合理利率計算實際上已完成的工作或所供應物料的公平的市場價值的報酬。另見 Incontrovertible benefit; Restitution; Unjust enrichment。n.





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