

单词 Entry
释义 進入/記項/通道
The act of entering; entrance.
Citizenship and migration - The act of entering or re-entering a country for the purpose of migration. Thus, a legal resident who goes abroad on a temporary visit does not ‘enter’ or ‘re-enter’ upon return. See also Visa.
Courts and judicial system - The act of making or entering a record in a registry after the delivery of judgment. It relates to judgment, rather than decrees, which are ‘made’ rather than entered: Vitous v Tuohill [1964] VR 624. See also Market.
Real property - To take possession, or attempt to take possession, of premises with the intent of asserting a title to those premises: Prideaux v DPP(Vic) (1987) 74 ALR 183, 163 CLR 483. See also Re-entry.
公民身分及移民 - 就移民的目的進入或再度進入某國的行為。因此,出國作短暫逗留的合法居民在回國時並非「進入」 或 「再度進入」。另見 Visa。
法院及司法體制 - 指在宣告判決後,於登記處作出或登錄任何紀錄的作為。如與判決有關,而與判令無關,則屬「作出」,而非登錄:Vitous v Tuohill [1964] VR 624。另見 Market。
土地財產 -   在意圖就有關處所宣稱所有權的情況下,取得該處所的管有、或嘗試取得處所的管有:Prideaux v DPP(Vic) (1987) 163 CLR 483; 74 ALR 183。另見 Re-entry。n.




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