

单词 Drawee bank
释义 受票銀行
The bank upon whom a cheque is drawn: Bills of Exchange Ordinance (Cap 19) ss 73(1), 3(1). The bank is the drawee of the cheque in that its customer gives the bank an unconditional order to pay: s 73. A drawee bank honours the cheque as agent of its customer and is obliged only to do so to the extent of the customer’s credit. Also known as ‘Paying bank’. See also Bank; Cheque; Drawee; Paying bank.
兌現支票的銀行:《匯票條例》(第19章)第73(1)及3(1)條。銀行是有關支票的受票人,即其客戶會給予有關銀行無條件付款的指令:第73條。受票銀行以其客戶代理人的身份兌現支票,並僅須以其客戶的信貸為限。另稱「付款銀行」。另見 Bank; Cheque; Drawee; Paying bank。




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