

单词 Drawing
释义 繪畫

A picture or figure made by applying lines to a surface, for example, by means of pen, pencil or similar instrument.
Building and construction - In building and construction contracts, a figurative specification which depicts in some details how the contractor is to perform the work. A drawing may range from a sketch to a detailed or schematic drawing and will sometimes require development through the life of a project. A drawing is normally prepared by the designer. Inadequate detail or impracticality in a drawing has the potential to lead to a large number of variations to a contract: Young & Marten Ltd v McManus Childs Ltd [1969] 1 AC 454, [1968] 2 All ER 1169, 3 WLR 630 (HL). In most standard conditions of contract, it is defined that contract documents include drawings. Standard conditions of contract often define a drawing which form part of the contract: RICS Form of Agreement art 1; RICS Conditions of Contract cl 3(1). A building contract may comprise a drawing, which will have been prepared by or for the employer (sometimes by the tender or contractor) and will generally have been used to prepare the tender. See also Building contract; Conditions of contract; Contractor; Drawings; Formal instrument of agreement; Schedule of rates; Specifications.
Intellectual property - A type of artistic works protected by the copyright law: Copyright Ordinance (Cap 528) s 5. A tracing of a drawing will not qualify for the protection of artistic copyright as an original drawing: British Northrop Ltd v Texteam (Blackburn) Ltd [1974] RPC 57. See also Artistic work; Copyright.
建築與建造 -   在建築與建造合約中,指詳述有關承辦商履行工程方法的若干細節的圖形說明書。圖則可包括草圖、詳細的或概要的圖則,此外,在工程進行的過程中,有時或須不斷修改。通常由設計師預備圖則。如圖則有不足的細節或不能實行的地方,則可令致合約有重大的更改:Young & Marten Ltd v McManus Childs Ltd [1969] 1 AC 454, [1968] 2 All ER 1169, 3 WLR 630 (上議院)。在大部分標準合約中,合約文件已被界定為包括圖則。標準的合約條通常會就組成合約一部分的圖則下定義:皇家特許測量師學會協議表格第1條;皇家特許測量師學會合約條件第 3(1)條。建築合約可包含由僱主準備(有時由投標者或承辦商準備)或為僱主準備的圖則,並會普遍用以準備有關的投標。另見 Building contract; Conditions of contract; Contractor; Drawings; Formal instrument of agreement; Schedule of rates; Specifications。
知識產權 -   受版權法保障的一種藝術作品:《版權條例》(第528章)第5條。繪圖的描摹圖(摹繪圖)並不符合作為原創繪圖所具有的受藝術版權保障的資格:British Northrop Ltd v Texteam (Blackburn) Ltd [1974] RPC 57。另見 Artistic work; Copyright。n.





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