

单词 Driver
释义 司機/駕駛人
Any person who is in charge of or assisting in the control of any vehicle (other than a rickshaw), vehicle of the North-west Railway, or tram: Road Traffic Ordinance (Cap 374). In relation to a rickshaw, it means any person pulling a rickshaw: s 2. A person may be a driver merely by operating the brakes of a motor vehicle so as to allow it to move forward: Saycell v Bool [1948] 2 All ER 83. See also Cycle; Licence; Traffic regulations; Vehicle.
任何掌管或協助控制任何車輛(人力車除外)、西北鐵路的車輛或電車的人:《道路交通條例》(第374章)。就人力車而言,指任何拉拖人力車的人:第2條。僅僅操作汽車煞車系統從以使汽車前進的人可被視為司機:Saycell v Bool [1948] 2 All ER 83。另見 Cycle; Licence; Traffic regulations; Vehicle。n.




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