

单词 Neutral state
释义 中立國
A state that is indifferent or impartial with respect to an international dispute. The independence and political and territorial integrity of a neutral state may be permanently guaranteed by a collective agreement of the super powers. The neutral state agrees never to take up arms against another state, except in self-defence, or to enter treaties of alliance which may compromise its impartiality. The rights and duties of a neutral state are governed by the International Convention respecting the Rights and Duties of Neutral Powers and Persons in case of War on Land 1907 and the International Convention respecting the Rights and Duties of Neutral Powers in Maritime Law 1907. See also Belligerent; Neutrality; Sovereign state.
就國際爭議保持中立的國家。中立國的獨立性、政治及領土完整可藉超級大國的集體協議而得以永久保證。中立國同意除了自衛外永遠不會以武力對待另一國家,或簽訂任何會損害其中立性的結盟條約。中立國的權利及義務由《1907年有關陸戰時中立國家與人民權利義務國際公約》,及《1907年中立國家就海事法上的權利義務國際公約》規管。另見 Belligerent; Neutrality; Sovereign state。




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