

单词 Motor accident
释义 在使用汽車時引起的傷害
Injury, sometimes limited to physical injury, sustained in the use of a motor vehicle. An accident is an unintended occurrence which has an adverse physical result: R v Morris [1972] 1 All ER 384, 1 WLR 228 (CA). There must be some direct correction between the motor vehicle and the happening of the accident: Quelch v Phipps [1955] 2 All ER 302,2 QB 107 (DC). The plaintiff may recover damages even if he or she was not physically injured but suffered from psychiatric injury brought on by the shock of the accident as long as it was reasonably foreseeable that the plaintiff might suffer personal injury: Page v Smith [1995] 2 All ER 736, [1996] 1 AC 155 (HL). To succeed in a common law action for damages sustained in a motor accident, one must establish the fault or negligence of the other party and then seek a lump sum award of damages. See also Compulsory third party insurance; Motor vehicle; Negligence; Traffic accident.
有時僅限於身體上的傷害。意外為非計劃的並產生實質不良結果的事件:R v Morris [1972] 1 All ER 384, 1 WLR 228 (英國上訴法院)。在汽車與發生的意外兩者間必須有直接的關連:Quelch v Phipps [1955] 2 All ER 302,2 QB 107 (英國地方法院)。原告人就算沒有遭受身體上的傷害,但卻因驚嚇而經受精神上的傷害,則原告人可追討損害賠償,假如原告人會遭受人身傷害是合理地可預見的:Page v Smith [1995] 2 All ER 736, [1996] 1 AC 155 (上議院)。要在普通法損害賠償的訴訟中取得成功,原告人必須證明另一方的錯誤、疏忽,然後要求法庭判給整筆款項的損害賠償。另見 Compulsory third party insurance; Motor vehicle; Negligence; Traffic accident。




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