

单词 List of documents
释义 文件清單
A document setting out and describing all the documents within a party’s possession, custody, or power that are sought to be discovered. Subject to any court order any issue or question in the cause or matter should be determined before discovery, such a list must be exchanged between parties 14 days after the close of pleadings: The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 24 r 2(1). The list of documents must be in a specified form: The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 24 r 5; Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 5, Civil Procedure [90.2357]. See also Discovery; Privilege; Production and inspection.
某文件列出及形容某一方有管有權、扣押權及有權力管有的而尋求透露的所有文件。除任何法令另有規定外,訟案或事宜中的任何爭論點或問題在各方作出文件透露前作出裁定,每一方必須在他與任何另一方之間在狀書提交期被當作結束後的14天內交換一份文件清單:《高等法院規則》(第4A章)第24號命令第2條規則。文件的清單必須採用特定的格式:第24號命令第5條規則;Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第5冊,民事訴訟程序,第[90.2357]段。另見 Discovery; Privilege; Production and inspection。




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