

单词 Vesting of trust property
释义 歸屬信託財產
The transfer to the trustee of the property subject to the trust. Where the trust is created by assurance inter vivos, the vesting must generally be contemporaneous with the creation of the trust if the trust is a voluntary one: Milroy v Lord (1862) 4 De GF & J 264, 45 ER 1185. Where a new trustee is appointed by deed, if the deed contains a declaration by the appointor to the effect that any estate or interest in any land subject to the trust shall vest in the persons who, by virtue of the deed, become or are the trustees for performing the trust, the deed shall operate, without any conveyance or assignment, to vest in the new and existing trustees as joint tenants and for the purposes of the trust the estate, interest or right to which the declaration relates: Trustee Ordinance (Cap 29) s 41 (1). The court may also make an order vesting the land or interest therein in any such person in any such manner and for any such estate or interest as the court may direct, or releasing or disposing of the contingent right to such person as the court may direct: s 45. See also Constitution of trust; Trustee; Vest; Vesting order.
將受信託規限的財產轉移予受託人。當該信託是透過在生者之間轉移而產生,則如該信託屬自願信託,其歸屬一般必須在產生信託時同時產生的:Milroy v Lord (1862) 4 De GF & J 264, 45 ER 1185。凡藉任何契據委任新受託人以執行任何信託,則如該契據載有委任人的聲明,意思是受信託規限的任何土地產業權或權益,均歸屬憑藉該契據而成為或是執行信託的受託人的人,則該契據的作用是會將該聲明所關乎的產業權、權益或權利,在無須經任何轉易或出讓的情況下,為信託的目的並以新的及現行的受託人為聯權共有人而歸屬他們:《受託人條例》(第29章)第41(1)條。法院可作出歸屬令,將該土地或其中權益,按法院所指示的方式及就法院所指示的產業權或權益,歸屬法院所指示的人:第45條。另見 Constitution of trust; Trustee; Vest; Vesting order。




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