

单词 Vesting order
释义 歸屬令
In the law of trusts, a court order, made on the appointment of new trustees, vesting the trust property in the new trustee as if the former trustees, if any, had executed all proper conveyances for the trust estate or interest: Trustee Ordinance (Cap 29) s 50. The court may make such order where the court appoints or has appointed a trustee, or where a trustee has been appointed out of court under any statutory or express power; where a trustee is under disability, or is out of the jurisdiction of the court, or cannot be found, or, being a corporation, has been dissolved; where it is uncertain who was the survivor of two or more trustees jointly entitled to or possessed of any interest in land; where it is uncertain whether the last trustee is living or dead; where there is no personal representative of a deceased trustee, or where it is uncertain who is his personal representative; where the trustee has wilfully refused or neglected to convey the land or interest or release the right for 28 days after the date of the requirement by a person entitled to require a conveyance; or it appears to the court to be expedient: Trustee Ordinance (Cap 29) s 45. Where any court gives a judgment or makes an order directing the sale of land, every person who is entitled to or possessed of any interest in land, or entitled to a contingent interest, and is a party to the action or proceedings or otherwise bound by the judgment or order, is deemed to be so entitled or possessed as a trustee and the court may, if it thinks expedient, make an order vesting the land in the purchaser: s 48. The court may also make a vesting order consequential on a judgment for specific performance of a contract concerning any land: s 49. Apart from land or interest in land, the court may make an order vesting the right to transfer or call for a transfer of stock, or to receive the dividends or income thereof, or to sue for or recover the thing in action in any such person as the court may appoint: s 52. See also Title; Transfer; Trust; Trustee; Vest.
在信託法上,法庭根據新受託人的委任而作出的命令,將該信託財產歸屬予新受託人,猶如前任受託人(如有的話)已就信託產業權或權益簽立土地的所有適當轉易契一樣:《受託人條例》(第29章)第50條。凡法院委任或已委任受託人、或凡受託人根據法定的權力或明訂權力已獲得並非由法院作出的委任;凡任何受託人無行為能力、或身在法院司法管轄權以外地方、或無法尋獲,或是已解散的法團;凡無法肯定在兩名或多於兩名共同有權享有或據有任何土地權益的受託人之中,誰是尚存者;凡無法肯定最後一名受託人是仍在世或已去世;凡任何已故受託人並無遺產代理人,或無法肯定誰是已故受託人的遺產代理人;凡有關受託人故意拒絕或忽略將該土地或權益轉易或將該項權利免除,為期自有權要求轉易該項要求的人提出日期的翌日起計已達28天;或凡法院覺得適宜,則法院均可作出此等歸屬令:《受託人條例》(第29章)第45條。凡任何法院作出判決或命令,指示將任何土地售賣,則有權享有或據有該土地的任何權益或有權享有該土地的任何待確定權利,且在該項判決或命令作出的訴訟或法律程序中是其中一方或是在其他方面受該項判決或命令約束的每個人,須當作為以受託人身分如此有權享有或如此據有;而法院如認為適宜,亦可作出命令,將土地歸屬有關買家:第48條。法院亦可因強制履行任何與土地權益有關的合約的判決而相應作出歸屬令:第49條。除土地或土地權益外,法院可作出命令,將轉讓或要求轉讓股票的權利,或收取股票的股息或收益的權利,或為有關據法權產提出起訴或進行追討的權利,歸屬法院所委任的人:第52條。另見 Title; Transfer; Trust; Trustee; Vest。




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