

单词 Negotiability
释义 可流轉性
1. The ability to transfer ownership of property rights represented by an instrument by simple delivery, or indorsement and delivery, of the instrument. 2. The main characteristics of negotiability are (1) there is a presumption that consideration has been given by the holder of the instrument so that there is no necessity to state it; (2) the instrument may be transferred from one person to another by indorsement or by delivery, so as to enable a transferee to sue in his own name; (3) a transferee who takes such an instrument in good faith and for value obtains good title notwithstanding defects in the title of the transferor: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 3, Bills of Exchange and Other Negotiable Instruments [55.004]. A bill of exchange is a negotiable instrument only if it is negotiable in the sense created by the Bills of Exchange Ordinance: Bills of Exchange Ordinance (Cap 19) s 8(1). See also Holder in due course; Indorsement; Negotiable instrument; Not negotiable; Transferability.
1. 指將由某票據所代表的產權權利的所有權透過票據的簡單交付、背書轉讓及交付方式轉移的能力。  2. 可流轉性的主要特徵包括 (1)當中有推斷指出票據的持有人已作出代價,因此沒有必要列明;(2)票據可透過背書轉讓及交付方式轉移,因此可允許承讓人以自己的名義起訴;(3) 以真誠並以有值代價取得票據的承讓人獲取商譽,不論轉讓人的所有權是否有缺陷:Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第3冊,匯票與其他可轉讓票據,第[55.004]段。匯票只有在根據匯票條例所訂立的意義上如可流轉,方可成為可流轉票據:《匯票條例》(第19章)第8(1)條。另見 Holder in due course; Indorsement; Negotiable instrument; Not negotiable; Transferability。n.




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