

单词 Vested interest
释义 既得權益
An interest in which the identity of the person who takes the interest is known and there is no condition precedent to the interest falling into possession other than determination of the preceding estate. The holder of a vested future interest holds a present right to enjoy or use the land in the future, after someone else who has a current physical right of enjoyment loses that right, owing to the operation of the conditions or terms of the grant, or he dies. For example, where a deceased landowner gave his land to his wife for life, and after her death to his son. The son can, prior to his mother’s death, deal with his future interest by assigning it to a third party or by devising it in his will: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 16 (2001 Reissue), Land [230.0067], [230.0069]. See also Contingent interest; Future interest; Life estate; Particular estate; Vested in possession.
一項權益,而取得該權益的人的身分是為人所知的,且除要決定在先產業權外,不須滿足先決條件即可管有的權益。未來權益持有人持有一項在未來就下述情況,享有或使用土地的現有權利,即在實際持有現行享有權的人,因條件的運作或授予的條款或過世,而失去該權利後。舉例,凡過世的土地所有人把其土地給予其妻子終身享有,並在她去世後把土地給予他的兒子。該名兒子可在母親去世前,處置他的未來權益,即轉讓予第三者或藉遺囑作出贈予:Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第16冊(2001年再發行),土地,第[230.0067]及[230.0069]段。另見 Contingent interest; Future interest; Life estate; Particular estate; Vested in possession。




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