

单词 Insufficient evidence
释义 證據不足
The lowest degree of cogency of evidence, where a party’s evidence is so weak that a reasonable person could not properly decide in that party’s favour. Evidence which will not suffice to establish a particular contention or to support the fact alleged, so that the party bearing the burden of proof will fail: Lal Chand Marwariv Mahant Ramrup Gir (1925) 42 TLR 159 (PC). In criminal law, a trial judge may be called on to decide at the conclusion of the prosecution case whether there was sufficient evidence against the accused: R v Galbraith [1981] 2 All ER 1060, 73 Cr App R 124 (CA). A judge must direct a jury to find the accused not guilty if the evidence is so insufficient that it cannot sustain a guilty verdict, or no evidence upon which a jury could convict exists: R v Galbraith, supra. On appeal, the court may test whether there was insufficient evidence to satisfy a jury beyond reasonable doubt. See also Burden of proof; Evidence.
此等證據只有最低的說服力,即基於一方的證據,合理的人不會作出對該方有利的判決。凡證據不足以確立某項特定爭議或支持該項指稱的事實,即等於有舉證責任的一方失敗:Lal Chand Marwariv Mahant Ramrup Gir(1925) 42 TLR 159(樞密院)。刑事法中,可要求主審法官在控方的案完結時,就是否有足夠證據針對被控人提出的問題作出裁決:R v Galbraith [1981] 2 All ER 1060, 73 Cr App R 124(上訴法院)。,如證據不足以支持有罪裁決,或沒有陪審團可將之定罪的證據存在,法官必須向陪審團作出指示,將被控人判為無罪:R v Galbraith, 見上文。在上訴期間,法院可測試是否有足夠證據,在無合理疑點下使陪審團信納。另見 Burden of proof; Evidence。




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