

单词 Insufficient answers
释义 不足的答覆
A responsive pleading that lacks the scope and content to meet the circumstances of the case and put the other side on notice of its case. If the responsive pleading is insufficient, the opposing party can apply for an order of further and better particulars: Discreet Ltd v Cubiertas Y Mzov SA & Ors [1998] 1 HKC 108 (CFI). If the further and better particulars are inadequate, the Court may allow an application for further and better and particulars of the further and better particulars: La Chemise Lacoste SA v Crocodile Garments Ltd [1999] 4 HKC 212 (CFI). See also Best particulars; Particulars; Pleadings.
欠缺所需涵蓋範圍及內容的答覆狀書,該等範圍及內容對符合該個案的情況及將其案通知另一方是必需的。凡答覆狀書屬不足,對立一方可向法院申請,要求作出提供更詳盡清楚的細節的命令:Discreet Ltd v Cubiertas Y Mzov SA & Ors [1998] 1 HKC 108(高等法院原訴庭)。如該等更詳盡清楚的細節仍不足,法院可批准一項就該等較詳盡清楚的細節提供更詳盡清楚的細節的申請:La Chemise Lacoste SA v Crocodile Garments Ltd [1999] 4 HKC 212(高等法院原訴庭)。另見 Best particulars; Particulars; Pleadings。




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