

单词 Insurance
释义 保險
The relationship which exists between the insurer and the insured. The essence of insurance consists in a contribution or premium paid by the insured and a payment by the insurer on a indemnified contingency: Prudential Insurance Co v IRC [1904] 2 KB 658. The insurance relationship most commonly arises by a contract of insurance. The insured must have an interest in the outcome of the specified event (‘insurable interest’): Prudential Insurance Co v IRC [1904] 2 KB 658. However, a contract of general insurance is not void by reason that the insured did not have, at the time the contract was entered into, an interest in the subject matter of the contract: Insurance Companies Ordinance (Cap 41) s 6(1). A contract of insurance must be of such a character as to justify the imposition of a duty of utmost good faith (uberrimae fidei) on the contracting parties: Lindenau v Desborough (1828) B & C 586, 108 ER 1160. See also Insurable interest; Insurance contract; Premium; Uberrimae fidei.
指保險人與受保人之間所存在的關係。保險的要素存在於由受保人所繳付的代價或保險費及保險人就作出彌償的或有事項所繳付的款項:Prudential Insurance Co v IRC [1904] 2 KB 658。保險關係最常見的是源自於保險合約。受保人必須就某特定事件的後果擁有權益(即 「可保權益」):Prudential Insurance Co v IRC [1904] 2 KB 658。但一般保險合約不會因在訂立保險合約時,受保人沒有擁有合約中標的權益:《保險公司條例》(第41章)第6(1)條。任何保險合約必須有具充分理由支持訂定合約雙方坦率誠實的責任: Lindenau v Desborough(1828) B & C 586, 108 ER 1160。另見 Insurable interest; Insurance contract; Premium; Uberrimae fidei。n.




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