

单词 Blasphemous libel
释义 褻瀆神明的永久形式誹謗
A crime committed by publishing material that vilifies, insults, offends the Bible, the Christian religion, the Book of Common Prayer, or God: R v Lemon, R v Gay News Ltd [1978] 3 All ER 175, 67 Cr App Rep 70 (CA). It is a strict liability offence. Blasphemy is an offence: Magistrates Ordinance (Cap 227) sch 2. Proof that the publication amounted to an attack on Christianity, or that it was published with the subjective intention of attacking Christianity, is not required to establish the offence: R v Lemon, supra. A criminal prosecution for blasphemous libel against any proprietor, publisher, editor, or any person responsible for the publication of a newspaper may not be commenced without the leave of a judge of the Court of First Instance: Defamation Ordinance (Cap 21) s 18(1). That the publication was made without the authority of the accused is a defence: s 8. See also Blasphemy; Clerical privilege; Criminal libel; Libel; Slander.
指發布污蔑、侮辱、冒犯《聖經》、基督教、《公禱書》、或神的資料的罪行: R v Lemon, R v Gay News Ltd [1978] 3 All ER 175, 67 Cr App Rep 70 (芵國上訴法院)。屬於嚴格法律責任的罪行。褻瀆神明是一項罪行:《裁判官條例》(第 227章)附表2。 如欲確立此等罪行,則無需證明有關發布相當於對基督教的攻擊、或是在主觀的意圖下攻擊基督教:R v Lemon, 見上文。如沒有首先獲得原訟法庭法官發出的許可,則不得向任何東主、出版人、編輯或任何負責出版該報刊的人就有關報刊內發布的褻瀆神明的永久形式誹謗展開刑事檢控:《誹謗條例》(第21章)第18(1)條。有關的發布乃在未經被告授權的情況下作出可構成抗辯 :第 8條。另見 Blasphemy; Clerical privilege; Criminal libel; Libel; Slander。




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