

单词 Informant
释义 告發人
1. A person who lays an information in respect of a criminal charge and commences a criminal prosecution as a result. 2. The person who initiated the proceedings in the Magistrates Court by laying an information: Magistrates Ordinance (Cap 227) s 20(2)(a). Someone who gives information voluntarily, as opposed to someone who only gives information when requested by police when called as a witness. It does not refer to a witness who might have brought the matter to the attention of the informant but who does not initiate the proceedings himself: A-G v Li Chi Wing [1988] HKLY 170. An informant who is not acting on behalf of the Secretary for Justice may conduct in person or by counsel on his behalf the prosecution of the offence to which the information relates but the Secretary for Justice may at any stage of the proceedings before the magistrate intervene and assume the conduct of the proceedings: Magistrates Ordinance (Cap 227) s 14. Every such information may be laid by the informant in person or by his counsel or other person authorised in that behalf: s 10. Where at the hearing the defendant appears, but the informant does not appear, the magistrate may dismiss the information or adjourn the hearing: s 18B. See also Complainant; Information; Police informant; Prosecutor.
1. 藉提交有關某項刑事控罪的資料而展開刑事檢控的人。2. 藉提出告發而在裁判法院提起法律程序的人:《裁判管條例》(第227章)第20(2)(a)條。自願提供資料的人,有別於被傳召為證人及應警方要求而提供資料的人。不包括本可將該事宜告知告發人、但本身沒有展開法律程序的人:A-G v Li Chi Wing [1988] HKLY 170。凡並非代表律政司司長的告發人,可親自或由其代表律師進行與告發有關罪行的檢控,但在裁判官席前審理的法律程序的任何階段中,律政司司長可介入並接手進行有關法律程序:《裁判管條例》(第227章)第14條。每項告發可由告發人親自作出或提出,或由其代表律師或為此目的而獲授權的其他人作出或提出:第10條。凡聆訊時,被告人有出庭,但告發人不出庭,則裁判官可撤銷告發或將聆訊延期:第18B條。另見 Complainant; Information; Police informant; Prosecutor。n.




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