

单词 Addict
释义 有毒癮者

A person who habitually uses a substance and cannot stop using it. For the purpose of admission to addiction treatment centre, an addict means a person who, by reason of his addiction to drugs or to intoxicants, is dangerous either to himself or to others, or is incapable of managing himself or his affairs or of ordinary proper conduct, or is in serious danger of physical or mental disorder: Drug Addicts Treatment and Rehabilitation Ordinance (Cap 326) s 2. A judicial separation order could be made on the ground that a married person is a drug addict if that person is, by reason of habitual taking or using opium or any dangerous drug within the meaning of the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance (Cap 134), at times dangerous to himself or to others, or incapable of managing himself and his affairs: Separation and Maintenance Orders Ordinance (Cap 16) s 2. See also Drug dependent person.
慣性使用藥物而不能自制的人。就判入戒毒中心而言,有毒癮者指一個因毒癮或酒癮而導致對自己或他人有危險、或無能力照顧自己或處理自己事務或作一般正常行為、或有嚴重人身危險或精神紊亂的人:《有毒癮者治療及康復條例》(第326章) 第2條。如果某已婚人士是有毒癮者,慣性吸食或使用鴉片或《危險藥物條例》(第134章)所指的任何危險藥物,而導致不時對自己或他人有危險、或無能力照顧自己或處理自己事務的人,法庭可頒布司法分居令:《分居及瞻養令條例》(第16章)第2條。另見 Drug dependent person。n.





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