

单词 In flight
释义 正在航行中
1. The physical state of flying. 2. A time during which an aircraft is actually flying above the surface of the earth. An aircraft shall be deemed to be in flight: (a) in the case of a piloted flying machine from the moment when, after the embarkation of its crew for the purpose of taking off, it first moves under its own power, until the moment when it next comes to rest after landing; (b) in the case of a pilotless flying machine, or a glider, from the moment when it first moves for the purpose of taking off until the moment when it next comes to rest after landing; (c) in the case of an airship or free balloon, from the moment when it first becomes detached from the surface until the moment when it next becomes attached thereto or comes to rest thereon; and the expressions ‘a flight’ and ‘to fly’ shall be construed accordingly: Air Navigation (Hong Kong) Order 1995 (Cap 448C) s 98. See also Flight; Hijacking.
1. 指飛行實質上的狀況。  2. 指飛機實際上在地面之上飛行的時間。任何飛機可在下列情況視為正在航行中:(a) 就被領航的飛行機器而言,指從機組人員為了起飛而登機後,該飛行機器在其能源的推動下首次移動,直至該飛行機器在降落後不再移動那一刻為止;(b) 就沒有被領航的飛行機器或滑翔機而言,指為了起飛而移動的一刻,直至該飛行機器在降落後不再移動那一刻為止;(c) 就飛船或自由氣球而言,指從一離開地面那一刻開始,直至再次與地面接觸或不再移動為止;「航行」及「飛行」應據此解釋:《1995年飛航(香港)令》(第448C章)第98條。另見 Flight; Hijacking。




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