

单词 Inflexible application of rule or policy
释义 法律規則或政策不可變易的應用
The exercise of a decision-making discretion by reference to ministerial or public service rules or policies. Such an exercise may be reviewable on the grounds that it amounts to an illegal fettering of discretion. A public authority entrusted by statute with a discretionary power must exercise that discretion according to the merits of the particular case. A public authority may, however, adopt a general policy which will govern the exercise of its discretion in ordinary cases, provided it is prepared to depart from the policy in exceptional cases: British Oxygen Co Ltd v Board of Trade [1971] AC 610 (HL); Re Findlay [1985] AC 318 (HL); Re Pham Van Ngo & Ors [1991] 1 HKLR 499 (HC). The policy adopted by the public authority must itself be valid and not unreasonable, based on an improper purpose or irrelevant consideration, or be ultra vires on any other ground: Congreve v Home Office [1976] QB 629 (CA); Secretary of State for Education & Science v Tameside Metropolitan BC [1977] AC 1014 (HL).
按行政或公共服務的規則或政策而行使決策酌情權。但可基於對酌情權構成非法束縛的理由而予以覆核。藉法規賦予酌情決定權的公共機構必須按個別情況的是非曲直行使其酌情決定權。但公共機構可採納一項在一般情況下會用以規管其行使酌情權的一般政策(除例外情況外):British Oxygen Co Ltd v Board of Trade [1971] AC 610(上議院);Re Findlay [1985] AC 318(上議院);Re Pham Van Ngo & Ors [1991] 1 HKLR 499(高等法院)。公共機構所實施的政策本身必須有效,及不得因不正當的目的或無關的考慮而不合理,亦不得基於任何其他理由而越權:Congreve v Home Office [1976] QB 629(英國上訴法院);Secretary of State for Education & Science v Tameside Metropolitan BC [1977] AC 1014(上議院)。




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