

单词 Infringing copy
释义 侵犯版權複製品
In copyright law, an article of which its making constituted an infringement of the copyright in the work in question. A copy of a work other than a copy of an accessory work is also an infringing copy if it has been or is proposed to be imported into Hong Kong and its making in Hong Kong would have constituted an infringement of the copyright in the work in question, or a breach of an exclusive licence agreement relating to that work: Copyright Ordinance (Cap 528) s 35(2), (3). See also Book; Copyright.
指版權法中,其製作構成侵犯有關作品的版權的物品。如某作品的複製品(附屬作品的複製品除外)已輸入或擬輸入香港,並且該複製品(附屬作品的複製品除外)假使是在香港製作即會構成侵犯有關作品的版權,或違反關乎該作品的專用特許協議,該複製品(附屬作品的複製品除外)亦屬侵犯版權複製品(附屬作品的複製品除外):《版權條例》(第528章)第35(2)及(3)條。另見 Book; Copyright。




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