

单词 Informed consent
释义 知情同意
Consent to act after being given full or adequate disclosure: Gary v New Augarita Porcuping Mines Ltd [1952] 3 DLR 1 (PC). When faced with an issue of undue influence, the court has to determine whether a complainant had given an informed consent, which would bring the matter to the end, however improvident the transaction might objectively appear: Bank of China (Hong Kong) Ltd v Wong King Sing & Ors [2002] 1 HKC 83, 1 HKLRD 358 (CFI). See also Agent; Conflict of interest; Duty to disclose; Fiduciary; Fiduciary duty; Principal.
Equity - A defence to a charge of breach of fiduciary duty: New Zealand Netherlands Society ‘Oranje’ Inc v Kuys [1973] 2 All ER 122, 1 WLR 1126 (PC). An agent must not serve two principals whose interests may conflict, unless he ensures that he fully discloses all the material facts to each party and obtains their informed consent to his so acting: Boardman v Phipps [1967] 2 AC 46 (HL); Tai Sang Kung Ltd v Paraking Ltd & Anor (HCA 2503/98, unreported); Nishimatsu-Costain-China Harbour Joint Venture v Ip Kwan & Co (A Firm) [2000] 2 HKC 445 (CA). See also Agent; Conflict of interest; Duty to disclose; Fiduciary; Fiduciary duty; Principal.
Negligence - Consent where a patient must give when agreeing to undergo medical or dental treatment: To Chun Fung Albert v Medical Council of Hong Kong [2002] 1 HKC 571 (CA); Tai Sang Kung Ltd v Paraking Ltd & Anor [2001] 4 HKC 61 (CFI). A patient is entitled to be informed about the nature and risks of a proposed treatment. What constitutes informed consent varies. A doctor must disclose all information about a proposed treatment that would be regarded by the patient as being significant to the decision whether or not to undergo the treatment. See also Battery; Duty to disclose; Negligence.
在獲得完全或足夠的披露後而同意行事:Gary v New Augarita Porcuping Mines Ltd [1952] 3 DLR 1(樞密院)。當法院審理有關不當影響的問題,須決定申索人有否作出「知情同意」;如有的話,則不論該宗交易在表面客觀地看來是何等不謹慎,其「知情同意」仍會解決該問題:Bank of China(Hong Kong) Ltd v Wong King Sing & Ors [2002] 1 HKC 83,1 HKLRD 358(高等法院原訴庭)。另見 Agent; Conflict of interest; Duty to disclose; Fiduciary; Fiduciary duty; Principal。
衡平法 - 對某項違反受信責任的控訴的免責辯護:New Zealand Netherlands Society ‘Oranje’ Inc v Kuys [1973] 2 All ER 122, 1 WLR 1126(樞密院)。代理人不得為兩名有利益衝突的主事人服務,但如該名代理人確保其已向每一方完全披露所有重要事實,並取得每一方對其如此行事的「知情同意」,則屬例外:Boardman v Phipps [1967] 2 AC 46(高等法院);Tai Sang Kung Ltd v Paraking Ltd & Anor(高院民事訴訟1998年第2503號,未經彙報);Nishimatsu-Costain-China Harbour Joint Venture v Ip Kwan & Co(A Firm) [2000] 2 HKC 445(上訴法院)。另見 Agent; Conflict of interest; Duty to disclose; Fiduciary; Fiduciary duty; Principal。
疏忽 - 病人同意進行醫療或牙科治療時必須作出的同意:To Chun Fung Albert v Medical Council of Hong Kong [2002] 1 HKC 571(上訴法院);Tai Sang Kung Ltd v Paraking Ltd & Anor [2001] 4 HKC 61(高等法院原訴庭)。病人有權獲悉有關擬進行的治療的性質及風險。構成「知情同意」的元素會因不同個案的情況而有差異。醫生必須就所有有關擬進行的治療的資料作出披露,病人視此等資料為對其是否同意進行該項治療的決定有重大意義。另見 Battery; Duty to disclose; Negligence。




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