

单词 Informal evidence
释义 非正式的證據
Information, facts or statements adduced in proceedings before a court in order to prove the fact in issue. Informal admissions made by parties to an action are received under an exception to the rule against hearsay. Informal admissions must be distinguished from formal admissions which are those made by the parties for the purpose of dispensing with proof at the trial. When both parties agree to a certain fact no evidence is required to prove the existence of the fact and the fact is not to be disputed: Criminal Procedure Ordinance (Cap 221) s 65C. See also Judicial notice.
在法院進行的法律程序中援引以證明受爭議的事實的資料、事實或陳述。由訴訟雙方作出的非正式承認屬傳聞證據規則的例外情況。非正式承認有別於為在審訊中免除證明的目的而作出的正式承認。凡訴訟雙方同意若干事實,則無須提供證據證明該項事實的存在,而該項事實亦不會受爭議:《刑事程序條例》(第221章)第65C條。另見 Judicial notice。




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