

单词 Notice of rescission
释义 撤銷合約通知書
Notice to another party to a contract that the contract is rescinded. Prima facie, an election to rescind must be communicated to the defaulting party: Car & Universal Finance Co Ltd v Caldwell [1964] 1 All ER 290, [1965] 1 QB 525 (CA). However, where he deliberately puts it out of the innocent party’s power to make such communication the latter may exercise his right to rescind by any act falling short of communication which evinces an unequivocal intention to rescind: Car & Universal Finance Co Ltd v Caldwell, supra. See also Contract; Rescission; Termination.
指向合約的另一方就撤銷合約而發出通知書。選擇撤銷合約表面上必須通知失責的一方:Car & Universal Finance Co Ltd v Caldwell [1964] 1 All ER 290, [1965] 1 QB 525 (芵國上訴法院)。但是,當他蓄意盡不知情一方的權力以作出此等通知,後者可因無法通知行使其權利撤銷任何合約,以表示其撤銷合約的明確意圖:Car & Universal Finance Co Ltd v Caldwell, 見上文。另見 Contract; Rescission; Termination。




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