

单词 Mortgagee's power of sale
释义 承按人的售賣權力
One of the rights of a mortgagee in dealing with mortgaged land after default by a mortgagor under the terms of the mortgage. A mortgagee has a statutory power of sale conferred by statute for legal charge or equitable mortgage made after 1st November 1984: Conveyancing and Property Ordinance (Cap 219) ss 51, 53(1), sch 4. Such power authorises the legal mortgagee, when the mortgage money has become due, to appoint a receiver who may exercise the power on behalf of the mortgagee but as the agent of the mortgagor. However, the power is not exercisable until: (1) notice requiring payment of the mortgage money has been served on the mortgagor, or on one of the several mortgagors, and default has been made in payment of the mortgage money or part of it for one month after such service; or (2) interest under the mortgage is in arrears and unpaid for one month after becoming due; or (3) there has been a breach of provision, express or under the Conveyancing and Property Ordinance, of the mortgage other than a covenant for payment of the mortgage money and interest: sch 4 para 11. Although a mortgagee is not a trustee for the mortgagor in this regard, and owes no fiduciary duty, he must exercise the power in a prudent way and in good faith (Jenkins v Jones (1860) 2 Giff 99), and take reasonable precautions to secure a property price (Farrars v Farrars Ltd (1888) 40 Ch D 395) See also Duty of care; Equity of redemption; Foreclosure; Mortgagee.
承按人所擁有的權力之一,即在按揭人欠繳款項時,根據按揭合約條款處置按揭土地。承按人在1984年11月1日後,藉法例賦予法律押記或衡平法上的押記而就按揭土地有法定售賣權力:《物業轉易及財產條例》(第219章)第51、53﹝1﹞條,附表4。該權力授權法律上的承按人,在按揭款項到期時,委任接管人代表承按人並作為按揭人的代理行使權力。但是,該些權力只可在下述情形下行使:(1) 要求繳付按揭金的通知已送達按揭人,或已送達數名按揭人的其中一人,而該按揭金或其部分在該通知送達後的一個月仍不獲繳付;或(2) 根據按揭須付的利息在到期繳付後一個月期間仍拖欠未付;或(3) 按揭的某項明訂的或根據《物業轉易及財產條例》訂定的條文已遭違反,但有關繳付按揭金及利息的契諾除外:《物業轉易及財產條例》(第219章):附表4第11段落。雖然按揭人並非承按人之受託人,並不負受信責任,但他必須審慎及真誠地行使權力(Jenkins v Jones (1860) 2 Giff 99),及採取合理的預防措施以取得恰當的價錢。另見 Duty of care; Equity of redemption; Foreclosure; Mortgagee。




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