

单词 Coupon
释义 息票
1. The stated interest payments made on a bond. 2. A thing of some value with rights and obligations attached to it. The mere writing of the word ‘coupon’ on a piece of paper does not necessarily prove it to be a coupon. It must be proved by evidence that the paper confers any right or obligations: Li Kwok v The Queen [1962] HKLR 47. See also Bond.
1. 債券上說明的利息款項。 2. 具有若干價值的東西,附有權利及義務。於一張紙上僅寫上「息票」字樣,不一定可證明該張紙是一張息票。必須以證據證明該張紙賦予任何權利或義務:Li Kwok v The Queen [1962] HKLR 47。另見 Bond。n.




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