

单词 Re-employment
释义 再度受聘
The act of employing a former employee under a new contract of employment. The power of a court or industrial tribunal to order reinstatement includes the power to order re-employment of, for example casual employees. Re-employment differs from reinstatement in that a new contract of employment is created when an employee is re-employed, whereas reinstatement returns the employee to employment under the original contract of employment. See also Reinstatement.
在新的僱傭合約下聘用前僱員的行為。法院或工業審裁處命令恢復原位的權力包括命令再度受聘的權力,例如臨時僱員。再度受聘不同於恢復原位,再度受聘會在僱員再獲受聘時產生一份新的僱傭合約,而恢復原位則基於原本的僱員合約恢復僱員的工作。另見 Reinstatement。




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