

单词 Rent
释义 租金
A period payment, usually in money, due by the tenant of land or premises to the landlord in consideration for the tenant’s right to occupy the land or premises. It is a recompense paid by the tenant to the landlord for the exclusive possession of corporeal hereditaments. It need not consist of the payment of money. It may consist in the render of chattels (Pitcher v Tovey (1692) 4 Mod Rep 71), or the performance of services (Montague v Browning [1954] 2 All ER 601, 1 WLR 1039 (CA)). The modern conception of rent is a payment which a tenant is bound by contract to make to his landlord for the use of the property let: United Scientific Holdings Ltd v Burnley Borough Council, Cheapside Land Development Co Ltd v Messels Service Co [1978] AC 904, [1977] 2 All ER 62 (HL). Rent does not necessarily represent the annual produce of the land; a royalty, notwithstanding that it is reserved in respect of substances which are taken from the land so as to cause its permanent diminution, is a true rent: Coal Commission v Earl Fitzwilliam’s Royalties Co [1942] Ch 365, 2 All ER 56. An annual payment may not be a premium so long as the rent is not expressed as a capital sum. The fact that one of the factors used in calculating the annual rent is a capital sum does not make the annual rent a premium: Chang Lan-Sheng v A-G [1970] HKLR 483. Rent does not include management fees, so the landlord may not distrain for them: Ng Kwok Hing v Tiah Toh Ming [1983] 1 HKC 324. See also Consideration; Distress for rent; Landlord; Occupation; Outgoings; Tenant.
由土地或房產的租客向業主支付到期應繳的償付(通常以款項的方式作出),作為租客佔用土地或房產的的代價。租金是由租客向業主支付的補償, 作為獨有享有有體可繼承產的權利。租金不必包含付款。租金可包括給予實產 (Pitcher v Tovey (1692) 4 Mod Rep 71),或履行服務(Montague v Browning [1954] 2 All ER 601, 1 WLR 1039 (英國上訴法院))。現代的租金概念是租客受到合約約束,租客須為租用的財產向其業主付款:United Scientific Holdings Ltd v Burnley Borough Council, Cheapside Land Development Co Ltd v Messels Service Co [1978] AC 904, [1977] 2 All ER 62(上議院)。租金不一定代表土地的年收益;儘管因應從土地提取的物質保留使用費,從而引起永久的減值款額,使用費是真確的租金:Coal Commission v Earl Fitzwilliam’s Royalties Co [1942] Ch 365, 2 All ER 56。只要租金不是以資本額明訂,每年繳付可能不是地價。用以計算每年租金的其中一個因素是資本額的此一事實並不使每年繳付成為地價:Chang Lan-Sheng v A-G [1970] HKLR 483。租金並不包括管理費,因而有關的業主不可為此扣押:Ng Kwok Hing v Tiah Toh Ming [1983] 1 HKC 324。另見 Consideration; Distress for rent; Landlord; Occupation; Outgoings; Tenant。n.




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