

单词 Jetsam
释义 投棄貨物
Goods thrown into the sea to lighten a ship in danger of sinking: Constable’s Case (1601) 5 Co Rep 106a. Jetsam only becomes wreck at common law if it is washed up onto the shore: R v Two Casks of Tallow (1837) 166 ER 414, 3 Hagg 294. Jetsam may be defined as property within the Hong Kong SAR which has been cast ashore with the ebb and flow of the tide after shipwreck: R v Forty-nine Casks of Brandy (1836) 166 ER 401, 3 Hag Adm 257. See also Cargo; Flotsam; Jettison.
為減輕船舶負重而將貨物扔進海裏,否則船舶將沉沒:Constable’s Case (1601) 5 Co Rep 106a。投棄的貨物只有在被沖上岸後才變為普通法意義上的殘骸:R v Two Casks of Tallow (1837) 3 Hagg 294。海難發生後,被漲落的潮汐沖到岸上的投棄貨物屬於香港特別行政區境內的財產的範圍。R v Forty-nine Casks of Brandy (1836) 3 Hag Adm 257。另見 Cargo; Flotsam; Jettison。n.




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