

单词 Refresher
释义 繼續聘用費
The fee payable to a barrister for appearing on the second and subsequent days (or part day) of a hearing. The daily refresher fee is two-thirds of the brief on hearing fee on the basis that the brief on hearing fee (the fee payable to the barrister for the first day of the hearing) comprises an allowance of two-thirds for agreeing to attend at the hearing and an allowance of one-third for the barrister’s preparation for the hearing. Where the barrister’s method of charging is on a time basis, whether daily or hourly, the refresher principle has no application. A refresher fee, the amount of which is in the discretion of the taxing officer (Coon v Diamond Tread Co (1938) Ltd [1950] 2 All ER 385), is allowed to counsel either: (1) for each period of five hours, or part thereof, after the first such period, during which the trial or hearing is proceeding; or (2) at the discretion of the taxing officer, in respect of any day after the first day, at which the attendance of counsel at the trial was necessary: The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 62 sch 1 pt II para 2(4).
應向大律師就其在聆訊第二天或其後的日子(或部分時間)出庭所支付的費用。基於委聘聆訊費用(在聆訊的第一天應支付給大律師的費用)包含以三分之二的津貼作為同意出席聆訊的費用,及三分之一的津貼作為大律師準備聆訊的費用,日計的繼續聘用費是委聘聆訊費用的三分之二。如大律師以時間基礎的方式收費(日計或時計),則繼續聘用費的原則不適用。訟費評定官有酌情權決定繼續聘用費的款額 (Coon v Diamond Tread Co (1938) Ltd [1950] 2 All ER 385),並須(1)按審訊或聆訊進行期間的第一個五小時時段之後的每個五小時時段(或其部分)計算;或(2)按訟費評定官酌情決定就需要大律師在審訊地點出庭的第一天以後的每一天計算,准予支付給大律師:《高等法院規則》(第4A章)第62號命令附表1 第II部第2(4)段。n.




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