

单词 Referee in case of need
释义 票據的預備支付人
In banking law, a person to whom the holder of a bill of exchange may resort in case the bill is dishonoured by non-acceptance or non-payment. The drawer of a bill, and any indorser, may insert the referee’s name on the bill, with the phrase ‘in case of need’ inserted following the name. The referee in case of need in effect becomes a form of surety. It is in the option of the holder to resort to the referee in case of need or not, as he may think fit: Bill of Exchange Ordinance (Cap 19) s 15. Where a dishonoured bill has been accepted for honour supra protest or contains a reference in case of need, it must be protested for non-payment before it is presented for payment to the acceptor for honour or referee in case of need: s 67(1). See also Dishonour by non-acceptance; Drawer; Holder; Indorser; Surety.
在銀行法,如票據因拒絕承兌而退票或不承兌,匯票持有人可倚靠的人。票據的發票人及任何背書人可在票據上載入有關支付人的名字:載入「預備支付」的短句再隨後接名字。票據的預備支付人實際上成為擔保人。持有人可選擇是否向票據的預備支付人追究,按其認為適宜者而定: 《匯票條例》(第19章)第15條。有人參加承兌任何已拒付的不兌現的匯票,或任何不兌現的匯票載有預備支付字樣,則在向參加承兌人或預備支付人出示該匯票以求付款之前,必須就不付款作出拒付證明:第67(1)章。另見 Dishonour by non-acceptance; Drawer; Holder; Indorser; Surety。




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