

单词 Quasi-contract
释义 類似合約
Restitution based on an implied contract between the parties to the action: Kwai Hung Realty Co Ltd v Kung Mo Ng [1998] 1 HKC 145. For example, where a debt arose from the defendant’s retention of money belonging to the plaintiff, from a sale of goods, or from the extension of work done at the defendant’s request, an action in assumpsit would lie, quasi ex contractu, on an implied obligation or debt, without there being any genuine agreement to pay. A quasi-contractual claim can be made under the Law Amendment and Reform (Consolidation) Ordinance (Cap 23) ss 16, 18. Where a plaintiff has the choice of suing in tort or bringing an action in quasi-contract, if he elects to sue in quasi- contract and signs judgment he cannot thereafter pursue his claim in tort: United Australia Ltd v Barclays Bank Ltd [1941] AC 1, [1940] 4 All ER 20 (HL). See also Action of debt; Quantum meruit; Quasi; Restitution.
基於與訟方之間的隱含合約而作出復原:Kwai Hung Realty Co Ltd v Kung Mo Ng [1998] 1 HKC 145。例如凡因被告人留存屬於原告人的金錢﹑貨物售賣或因應原告人的要求而擴大工作所產生的債務,均可就違反口頭承諾所造成的損害提起訴訟,類似合約,基於隱含義務或債務,不需要有真正的付款協議。類似合約申索可根據《法律修訂及改革(綜合)條例》(第23章)第16至18條作出。凡原告人有就侵權法起訴或就類似合約提起訴訟的選擇,假如他選擇就類似合約起訴並已簽署判決書,他不能再此之後按侵權法就申索作出追索:United Australia Ltd v Barclays Bank Ltd [1941] AC 1, [1940] 4 All ER 20 (上議院)。另見 Action of debt; Quantum meruit; Quasi; Restitution。




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