

单词 Qualified privilege
释义 受約制特權
A privilege offering protection in an action in defamation where the person who made the communication had an interest or a duty, ‘legal , social, or moral’ to make it to the person to whom it was made, and the person to whom it was made had a corresponding interest or duty to receive it: Tuet Kazim v Ma Nurudeen [1987] 3 HKC 382 (HC). Since this common law doctrine of qualified privilege is policy-based, it is not possible to list exhaustively all privileged occasions: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 25, Tort [380.567]. It will not be available if the publication was motivated by malice or an improper purpose: Ho Ping Kwong v Chan Cordelia [1989] 2 HKC (HC). The publication in a newspaper or the broadcasting of any such report or other matter shall be privileged unless the publication is proved to be made with malice: Defamation Ordinance (Cap 21) s 14(1), sch. In order to be protected by qualified privilege, the publication by the press to the public must not just be matters of public interest but it must be in the public interest to publish the matters complained of: Li Tsze Sun v Ming Pao Newspaper Ltd [1996] 2 HKC 515 (HC).
在誹謗訴訟中給予保護的一種特權,即凡作出通訊的人有某種利害關係或職責,在法律上或道德上要向他的通訊對象作出通訊,而該名通訊對象亦有類似的利害關係或職責需要接收通訊:Tuet Kazim v Ma Nurudeen [1987] 3 HKC 382 (高等法院)。因為此項普通法原則是以政策為基礎,因此法律不能徹底列出能享有特權的場合:Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第25冊,侵權,第[380.567]段。如發布乃出於惡意或為不恰當目的而作,則不可引用特權:Ho Ping Kwong v Chan Cordelia [1989] 2 HKC (高等法院)。在報章上或以廣播發布的報導或事項均享有特權,除非可證明該項發布乃出於惡意:《誹謗條例》(第21章)第14條附表。為獲得受約制特權的保護,傳媒向公眾作出的發布必須不僅是公眾有興趣知道的事項,該申訴事項還須是因應公眾利益而發布的:Li Tsze Sun v Ming Pao Newspaper Ltd [1996] 2 HKC 515 (高等法院)。




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