

单词 Quantum meruit
释义 按服務計酬
Lat – so much money as the plaintiff reasonably deserves to have. As to remedy for breach of employment contract, the amount recoverable on quantum meruit is a reasonable sum for the employee’s services up to the date of the termination: Prickett v Badger (1856) 1 CBNS 296. In case of frustrated contract, a quantum meruit claim will only lie in respect of work done after the date of frustration; the Law Amendment and Reform (Consolidation) Ordinance (Cap 23) will apply to work done before the date of frustration. Modern law sees it as preventing unjust enrichment. Design work, and as he received no benefit from the plaintiff's work there is no question of ‘unjust enrichment’. The quantum meruit principle is only applicable to cases where the recipient of the goods or services had received a benefit and it would be unjust for him not to pay for it, in the absence of an agreement on the actual amount payable: Ho Kam Chung (t/a KC Charles & Associates) v Benny Lau (t/a Benny Lau Jewellery & Watch Co) (CA 127/1999). A claim for quantum meruit may be contractual or restitutionary in character. It is contractual where a contract fails to state the price for services, and the court implies a term requiring the payment of a reasonable sum: Choy Bing Wing v Hong Kong & Shanghai Hotels Ltd [1995] 2 HKC 435 (CA). It is restitutionary where there is no contract between the parties, or a valid or unenforceable contract has been discharged for breach or repudiation: Scarisbrick v Parkinson (1869) 20 LT 175. See also Breach of contract; Contract; Discharge; Repudiation; Restitution; Unjust enrichment.
拉丁語 - 原告人所應得的合理數目的金錢。以補救違反僱傭合約,可追回的按服務計酬款額乃僱員在直到合約終止那日為止的合理服務款額:Prickett v Badger (1856) 1 CBNS 296。在夭約的情形下,按服務計酬申索只可就在夭約後所完成的工作提起;《法律修訂及改革(綜合)條例》(第23章)則適用於在夭約前完成的工作。現代法律視之為阻止不正當收益。設計作品,因為他沒有就原告人的作品獲得利益,不存在「不正當收益」的問題。按服務計酬原則只適用於在沒有就實際應付款額訂定合約,而獲得貨物或服務的人得到利益,此外,如他不為利益付款會產生不公平的情況:Ho Kam Chung (t/a KC Charles & Associates) v Benny Lau (t/a Benny Lau Jewellery & Watch Co) (上訴法庭 127/1999)。按服務計酬申索可以是合約性的或復原性的。凡合約沒有說明服務的價格,而法庭作出應付合理款額的隱含判決,即屬合約性:Choy Bing Wing v Hong Kong & Shanghai Hotels Ltd [1995] 2 HKC 435 (上訴法庭)。凡與訟方之間沒有訂定合約,或有有效或不可履行的合約但卻因不履行合約而被解除,此乃復原性的按服務計酬:Scarisbrick v Parkinson (1869) 20 LT 175。另見 Breach of contract; Contract; Discharge; Repudiation; Restitution; Unjust enrichment。




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