

单词 Quantum of damages
释义 損害賠償數目
The amount of money or compensation awarded as damages or compensation for proved losses. In the absence of evidence establishing the quantum of damages, the appropriate award will be one of nominal damages: Born Chief Co v Tsai George [1996] 2 HKC 282, 2 HKLR 188 (CA); Wong Ching Chi v Full Yue Bleaching & Dyeing Co Ltd [1994] 3 HKC 606. The question of the quantum of damages for loss is a matter for the court: Leung On & Anor v Chan Pui Ki (An Infant) [1996] 2 HKC 565. See also Assessment of damages; Measure of damages.
作為損害賠償或補償的判給金額或在證明損失後的補償。在沒有證據證明損害賠償數目時,恰當的判給為象徵性損害賠償:Born Chief Co v Tsai George [1996] 2 HKC 282, 2 HKLR 188 (上訴法庭); Wong Ching Chi v Full Yue Bleaching & Dyeing Co Ltd [1994] 3 HKC 606。對損失的損害賠償數目是由法庭判定的問題:Leung On & Anor v Chan Pui Ki (An Infant) [1996] 2 HKC 565。另見 Assessment of damages; Measure of damages。




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