

单词 Office copy
释义 正式文本
Copies of documents in the custody of a superior court made and authenticated by an officer of the court who has the authority to supply copies. Office copies of writs, records, pleadings and documents filed in the High Court are admissible in evidence in any cause or matter and between all parties to the same extent as the original would be admissible: The Rules of the High Courts (Cap 4A) O 38 r 10(1). Without prejudice to the provisions of any enactment, every document purporting to be sealed with the seal of any office or department of the High Court must be received in evidence without further proof, and any document purporting to be so sealed and to be a copy of a document filed in, or issued out of, that office or department must be deemed to be an office copy of that document without further proof unless the contrary is shown: O 38 r 10(2). See also Affidavit; Documentary evidence; Official search; Public document; Registration of deeds.
由有權提供副本的法院人員所作的及認證的,並由高級法院保管的文件副本。送交高等法院存檔的令狀、紀錄、狀書及文件的正式文本,在任何訟案或事宜中並在所有各方之間可接納為證據,其程度與正本的可接納程度一樣:《高等法院規則》(第4A章)第38號命令第10(1)條規則。在不損害任何成文法則的條文的原則下,每份看來已蓋有高等法院的任何辦事處或部門的印章的文件,均可收取為證據,無須再加證明;而任何文件,如看來是經如此蓋章,並看來是經向該辦事處或部門送交存檔或由該辦事處或部門發出的文件的文本,則除非有相反證明,否則須當作為該文件的正式文本,無須再加證明:第38號命令第10(2)條規則。另見 Affidavit; Documentary evidence; Official search; Public document; Registration of deeds。




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