

单词 Emotional abuse
释义 精神虐待
A form of abuse in which a person subjects, exposes or causes another person to be subjected or exposed to behaviour which psychologically harms such person. It is also a form a child abuse. A person who has the custody, charge or care of a child or young person under the age of 16, and wilfully assaults, ill-treats, neglects or abandons such child or young person in a manner likely to cause such child or young person unnecessary suffering any mental derangement, commits an offence: Offences against the Person Ordinance (Cap 212) s 27(1). See also Child abuse; Mental illness; Neglect.
其中一種虐待方式,某人使他人經受會蒙受心理傷害的行為或導致另一人被經受會蒙受心理傷害的行為。精神虐待亦是虐待兒童的一種。任何超過16歲而對不足該年歲的任何兒童或少年人負有管養、看管或照顧責任的人,如故意襲擊、虐待、忽略、拋棄該兒童或少年人,其方式相當可能導致該兒童或少年人受到不必要的精神錯亂,即屬犯罪:《侵害人身罪條例》(第 212章) 第27(1)條。另見 Child abuse; Mental illness; Neglect。




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